
Tina Kügler
Leichlinger Strasse 58
40764 Langenfeld

Telefon: +49-1791181201
Fax: +49-2173901214

USt.ID.:                      DE311505015
IBAN:                         DE36 3756 0092 1409 1420 16
BIC:                            GENODED1RWL


Some links on our web page lead to external websites. We have no influence on the design and content of these pages. We cannot and do not take any resposibility in terms of their content.

Data protection

With our booking form some personal data are being collected and transmitted to the us. These data sets will not be passed on to third parties and will be deleted after completion of the administrative process, but at the latest, after the statutory data retention period.


Concept, design and programming:

Jannik Lorenz

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